
Yes to Everything
Do you say yes to things even when they are not good for you? Do you let God fill your plate, or do you take pleasure in filling it? This is dedicated to the busy mom and the tired friend who feels the need to say, “yes” to EVERYTHING...
October 27, 2016
McKenzie Jones
Christian Life=Adventure
So, life’s got you down?! Let’s be adventurer’s, Darling. Chin up, look forward to what our Savior has for us as we live out our lives, completely surrendered, waiting on pins and needles for Him to give us our next move. 
September 22, 2016
McKenzie Jones
This Means War
Do you ever feel like you go through times when you have a target on your back? Satan actively opposes God and God’s children. If Satan cannot take you with him to eternal separation from God in hell, He will try to do anything he can to destroy your witness for Christ and basically ruin your Christian life. Our testimony is so powerful and can be used to reach others and lift up Christ in an effective way...
September 3, 2016
McKenzie Jones
Small Sins-Red Flags in the Christian Life
Have you ever committed a premeditated sin? Okay that sounds pretty bad. We’ll define the word “premeditated”. So, if we were to picture this sin, we need to describe it in a way that justifies it right? Have you ever had a thought to do something, thought about it for awhile, knew it was wrong, rolled over the consequences in your head, but after a minute, you just decide to do it anyway... 
August 17, 2016
Rachel Reed
Feminism vs Freedom
Wow! This topic? I know. It certainly is not politically correct, but do we really want to tell ourselves that we can be just like one of the guys? God made us perfectly unique and completely different. There is no need to compare. 
August 9, 2016
McKenzie Jones
For the Pastor/Ministry Leader’s Wife (Part 2)
Maybe you didn’t choose the ministry life. Whether it was your heart’s desire to be involved from the beginning, or you have grown into your role with a willing heart over time, thank you for what you do! Serve the Lord with gladness. 
July 27, 2016
McKenzie Jones
For the Pastor/Ministry Leader’s Wife (Part 1)
One of the most meaningful lessons as a pastor’s wife came three weeks after my husband became a pastor. I wanted to do it all perfectly. I wanted everyone to like me. I had huge shoes to fill as the previous pastor and his wife had been at the church for almost 30 years. Here is what happened...
July 26, 2016
McKenzie Jones
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